Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Battle for Maximillian Rex City

One day on the battlefield of Maximillian Rex, a battle started. Army men vs. the invaders. The defense of the city was on...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Lego Battles...

I put together a couple of different battles using my dad's miniature wargaming terrain.

The first is a Star Wars clash of the titans on the outskirts of Maximillian Rex city...

The second is I went with the Maximillian Rex city militia putting down a rebellion. I call it Knights in the Night...

The third is a continuation of the Knights in the Night saga called: Skeleton Invasion...

I hope you enjoy these cool videos as much as I did making them. Thanks for watching. Until next time, keep on building brick by brick...

Soccer Rocks!

In honor of my very first soccer season, I put together this soccer field for your enjoyment!

I love soccer! I hope to play it for a long time to come!